28 Nov 2008

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.

27 Nov 2008

Learn The Tarot 2 Day Practical Workshop

17th-18th January 2009

This 2 day workshop will teach you:
How to interpret the Tarot cards, learning the meanings in an easily understood format.
Learn the journey of The Fool and how to ‘tell the story’ of the Tarot.
How to use the Tarot as a tool for counselling and healing.
How to use the Tarot for self-help and enlightenment.
Learn to use Tarot spreads and how to design your own.
Learn to develop questions and give clear and confident readings.
Develop and explore psychic and intuitive messages using a variety of meditation and visualisation techniques.
Learn to understand and get clear messages from a reading.
Through a selection of exercises students will explore the Tarot to create a deeper awareness of the cards and there uses.
There will be lessons on how to work in a professional capacity and how to deal with problems that can arise.

All students will be provided with a Tarot deck that they may keep, workbook and access to course podcasts, lectures and other resources. We aim for all students to have at least 4-8 Tarot readings during the workshop. The students benefit from being taught by a professional Tarot reader, who will share skills and knowledge on how to practise the Tarot in a professional capacity.
The group is usually between 8-10 people, resulting in a relaxed and friendly environment. The course is suitable for beginners and for those who have an knowledge of the Tarot. For those who work in the holistic arena the Tarot can add another dimension to their work.

The 2 day workshop costs £200.00

There is a £40 non-refundable deposit payable on booking to secure your place. Payable either by personal cheque or Paypal. The remainder of the course fee is payable in cash on the day.
For more information please email me: courses@mooninacloud.co.uk
Tel: 07905 946259 (normal mobile rates apply)
The workshop will be held at:
The Cairn Hotel, Windsor St, Edinburgh
How to get there:
Waverly Station is a short taxi ride or 15 minute walk to the Hotel. There are frequent buses to and from all areas stopping on either Elm Row interchange or London Road (see Lothian Buses for times etc).

24 Nov 2008

Tarot Cloths & Bits

I am not a user of cloths to do my readings on, I often find cards twirl & slip & generally get themselves into a twiddle! However, I did come across this very nice reading cloth that just might make me change my mind:I also keep my most used cards in a lovely, large wooden box but again the bags on offer here are rather spiffing:

21 Nov 2008

Bunny wisdom....

20 Nov 2008

Link Exchange

I am looking for some links to put on my website (www.mooninacloud.co.uk/links.htm)
So, if you have a website or blog that you would like to exchange links with please get in touch tarot@mooninacloud.co.uk

Or simply cut & paste one of the below links.....

This link will look like this on your page:
Moon In A Cloud ~ Tarot Workshops, Readings and Psychic Development Courses.

<$a href="http://www.mooninacloud.co.uk"$>Moon In A Cloud<$/a> ~ Tarot Workshops, Readings and Psychic Development Courses.

Remove $ signs to make the code work!

This will look like this on your page:

<$a href="http://www.mooninacloud.co.uk"$><$img src="http://www.mooninacloud.co.uk/moonpromo.jpg" alt="Tarot Workshops & Psychic Development"$><$/a>

18 Nov 2008

Updated Website

The website has been updated with the new course details & a few new pictures to cheer us up through the winter!! Moon In A Cloud

17 Nov 2008

Tarot of The Lotus

I have been fiddling around looking of beautiful images for the blog and other places I visit & found some stunning lotus flower pictures. I have to say I didn't 'get' the whole lotus thing until I was in Bali. They are lovely and everything that has been said about them is true! I thought it might be fun to have Tarot of the Lotus....What do you think?

"At dawn I asked the lotus, 'What is the meaning of life?' Slowly she opened her hand with nothing in it."

15 Nov 2008

The Path Ahead

The last year or so has been a roller-coaster ride in the strangest way for me. On the surface things are running smoothly and to the outsider I live an amazingly blessed life! (Which, incidently, I don't dispute!)
However, I don't think you ever describe me as a simplistic soul...if there's some potential for things to be complex and full of hidden depths you'll find it in relation to me. I am fortunate that I have enough self knowledge to understand this an usually life doesn't suffer as a result!
But this year has highlighted the areas that I have been studiously ignoring!

I have been receiving Theta Healing (from the wonderful Susan @ Theta Healing Scotland) and boy has that blown so doors off!
So, now I am at point where I can't deny anymore the path before me...BUT... I am resisting it with every fiber of my being.
Rationally, I see that there is no point in denying, I understand the consequences of such behaviour. Emotionally, I have the courage for the huge changes that the path ahead will bring. Practically, I have or am working on the skills...
But there is a silly side of me stamping my foot, saying I don't want to do this!!!!

I hope it will pass...I'm sure it will...but it doesn't help at 3am....

14 Nov 2008

Tarot Card of The Day..

6 of Cups

Strong foundations must be created to build upon. We usually create these foundations during childhood. These foundations are obvious if you were to focus on them as education, each year of school successively building upon another in terms of worldly training preparing us for jobs. These foundations are not as obvious if you attempt to see them in terms of relationships among family and peers. These relationships are generally taken for granted and rarely examined closely to see how well they were set. But these are the foundations upon which we must build future relationships.
This card asks us to look back and evaluate the past. It is not a time to be nostalgic and dwell in the past, to wallow in remembrances of sweet memories. It is a time to see past events and relationships as a mirror, to see the reflections and effects the past has made on the present. For then we can see our motivations and true reactions more clearly as we go forward on our path through the present and future events and achieve success in important tasks and relationships.

The deck pictured is Tarot Roots of Asia

13 Nov 2008

Arrrg technical gremlins...

I realise that the ask the tarot page isn't working...the joys of technical gremlins...hopefully by the end of the day things will be working fully!
Much love & here's a nice thought for the day:

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

12 Nov 2008

Life Coaching and Tarot

This spread is designed to give the querent a general overview of their life. This Wheel is used in life coaching to show areas where you are lacking (e.g not enough fun) and also areas where you are over loaded, that Tarot can also show us what we are maybe not so conscious of.
It is not laid out in a specific shape, but instead can be placed anywhere the reader wishes. You could then do an further more in-depth reading in the problem areas!

Wheel of life:

Friends & Family
Significant Other
Personal Growth
Fun & Recreation

11 Nov 2008

Ask the Tarot

I have given the website a tool where you can Ask the Tarot, give yourself a mini reading to guide you through the day.
I like to use this 2 card spread:

Good Morning!

1. Alarm Clock ~ Your motivation for the day.
2. Cup of Coffee ~ The wisdom for the day

Read these first thing and then at night see how you day worked out based on these...it's always very enlightening!


Dulce et Decorum est... Wilfred Owen

Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.

Gas!7 Gas! Quick, boys! – An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling,
And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime . . .
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.

If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est
Pro patria mori.

10 Nov 2008

Relationship Spread

Here's spread I thought I'd share with you.

1. Sexual compatibility
2. Humour/Fun
3. Potential of Lasting Friendship
4. Temperament
5. Intellectual Compatibility
6. Emotional Compatibility

Pairing the cards horizontally is one method for analysing the reading. People who enjoy sex together can usually have fun. Temperament and friendship are good indicators of longevity. The last two cards explore how the relationship is perceived using thinking and feeling

9 Nov 2008

Auld Reekie

What a place it is!
Beautiful and seductive with it's glorious architecture and unique setting. Filled with closes (tiny alleys) that invite exploration and cobbled streets that hold many a footprint of learned scholars.
The air is full with a sense of turbulent history, from John Knox and the Reformation to Major Wier and his sorcery.
Edinburgh is a great city to live in, small and intimate with stunning countryside surrounding it. It has enough to keep your entertained and certainly enough for the psychic and lightworker.

6 Nov 2008

Bonfire Night & Winter

Last night was the true beginning of winter in the UK for me at least.
As we stood in anticipation of magical fireworks wrapped in scarves and gloves, stamping feet with the bitter air catching our breath. The gasps of wonder as the night is scattered with glitter and colour, that feels like some primeval magic. The smoke scent mixed with damp leaves and cracking fires....all this evokes many winters past and in our crazy world and lives, these moments of joy and wonder as ever more important....Or maybe I'm just a big kid!

4 Nov 2008

Sabian Symbols

The Sabian Symbol Oracle is new to me, so I thought I'd share with you my reading.
Recent Past:

Is the situation facing you frozen in time without a clear understanding of how to proceed? Get out the "dead wood" from your life, whether it is clogging up your cupboards, relationships, emotional life, even the garden, etc. This can clear the way for new growth on many levels. You may need to retrieve, sort through, or go over the records of the past in some way. It may be time to look to things such as records, memories, art, literature, photographs, etc. Look to these histories or appreciate their value and relevance.
Remnants and stillness. Agelessness. Being able to withstand life's storms. Resilience.


You may find that you are growing into the image that you have imagined and it gives you some sense of pride - assuming you have chosen a positive image. What or who do you 'idealise'? What is it that you'd like to project? Meditating on a goal or the projection of an ideal can lead to actuality. Just be clear about what you really desire in the situation - you just might get it.
Concrete manifestation of one's ideals. Enduring truths. Culmination of efforts. Projections of ideal images. Wanting a sense of immortality. Defining one's fate through conscious manifestation.
LEO 11

It is easier to relax into carefree, childlike play when your safety and security are ensured. You may feel like some relief from responsibility. This is a good time to relax in some play, safe in the knowledge that everything will remain secure. It is good to keep in touch with the innocence and openness of youthful attitudes. Oak trees infer enormous inner strength.
Creativity in safe surroundings. Social security and other forms of governmental protection (or the lack of these things).

3 Nov 2008

Daily Oracle Card

Magic Tree:

It is time for you to release the creative power within you. You have the power to transform your life. A great artist, you are able to create through thoughts, beliefs and intentions. Start to hold only positive thoughts about yourself. You have the power to create happiness, abundance and joy. Positive thoughts and positive affirmations create positive outcomes. Make your intentions clear, for the Universe is always listening and responds to all your words and thoughts. Use positive affirmations as colours to paint the perfect picture for your life. Create the picture with your loving thoughts and intentions. Affirm out loud each day with all your heart and soul. you create the life that you dream!

Well, that's me told!!

Very interesting as I was having very vivid and romanticised dreams last night...so much so I can't shake the atmosphere of them. I think it is revealing how we respond to Oracle cards, in my case it's more my natural cynic that raises it's head. So, the moral of the story would be.....think positive!!

Have a wonderful day! X