30 Jan 2009

Learn The Tarot

The next Learn The Tarot Practical Workshop dates are 14th-15th March 2009!

This 2-day practical, very hands on workshop is being held in Edinburgh.

Join me for a journey through the Tarot.

Learn the Tarot meanings and how to interpret them.
  • The Major Arcana; follow The Fool on life's path to The World.
  • The Minor Arcana; learn the nature of the suits and their meanings.
  • The Court: Just who are these people and what roles do they have in the Tarot?

Learn to give clear and confident readings. Using a variety of spreads and techniques, discover how to ask questions.
Read for yourself and begin a fascinating voyage of self-discovery and enlightenment.
Together we will develop you intuition and psychic abilities using meditation, visualisation and other methods.
In a fun and relaxed environment you will receive readings and connect with like minded people.

Booking Essential
07905 946259

28 Jan 2009


My Destiny Card today was : Trust

1. Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
2. Custody; care.
3. Something committed into the care of another; charge.
a. The condition and resulting obligation of having confidence placed in one: violated a public trust.
b. One in which confidence is placed.
5. Reliance on something in the future; hope

It can be hard to trust! Trust in the process, trust in your self and trust in the Universe.

27 Jan 2009


Carry laughter with you wherever you go.

24 Jan 2009

Psychic Connections

Someone asked me the other day if it was difficult giving psychic readings or clairvoyant readings over the telephone or via email, I didn't hesitate with my answer. To me there is really no difference between a face-to-face psychic reading and a distance psychic reading; in many ways I now prefer it.

To me if I am going to link with someone it matters little where they are psychically, what matters is the connection. In many ways to conduct a psychic reading over many miles and not actually see the person goes further to substantiate what is happening.

To the sceptics who say a Medium, Clairvoyant or Psychic is merely "Cold Reading" the sitter then psychic telephone readings must be considered favourably. Granted there are still some unscrupulous companies out there who take on anyone providing they can memorise a script, but you can normally spot these scammers.

I believe that a good psychic generally doesn't need to ask a lot questions, but there are exceptions.

Sometimes I look for clarification of what is coming through; it's a way of confirming what I am are seeing. There can be alot of information and it helps to filter through to the relevant bits!If I ask for clarification I ask my sitter to answer with a yes or no making it clear I don't mind the no's because they help too! Sometimes there just isn't a connection, an honest psychic reader will always admit if the link is weak or they are having trouble linking.

I often ask a question or two at the start of a reading where the sitter wants to concentrate on a particular subject, say a relationship. To save time and the sitters money a psychic may ask for a name and date of birth for instance of the other party, again I see nothing wrong in this. Sometimes I use not just tarot but numerology, astrology and runes, so extra information would be asked for to utilise these. (But be wary of a constant barrage of questions concerning the person then I would be ending any call pretty fast.)

I do feel that the people who are drawn to come to you for a reading are going to usually get the most valuable information. Their guides, angels and so on usually know if the psychic with be able to convey the information effectively to the person for maxium benefit.

Sadly, you don't always have messages that the person would like to hear, I call it tough love on the behalf of the guides! But remember that if you have had the courage to look into yourself and try to discover some of you purpose or path, then your guides and guardians want the best for you and will be overjoyed at the opportunity to convey messages to you!

Overall, a psychic reading is an amazing experience and often the beginning of a wondrous journey of self-discovery!

23 Jan 2009

Three Decks

I use The Gilded Tarot for many of my clients readings, and use them on my workshop days. They are vibrant which works well for my personal preference for strong artwork and colour. However, they are also suitably close to the Rider Waite style that they are good for teaching.

Ciro Marchetti, the artist, has produced two more decks.

The Tarot of Dreams & The Tarot of the Divine Legacy ( to be published by Llewellyn later this year).

The Tarot of Dreams is a self published deck, with an interactive CD to accompany the deck. It has animations of the cards...adding further depth to their meanings.

For example, the card of the Fool shows the following animation: a kitten's paw batting at a flying butterfly, movement of the white dove, and a shimmering, glimmering crystal ball. The text for the Fool is as follows:

In brief:
Being Foolish, playing the fool, making fun of something. The beginning part of an endeavor or journey. An unorthodox or nonconformist approach. Being a catalyst for change.

Path on the Tree of Life:
Sphere 1 Consciousness (Keter) connect to Sphere 2 Energy (Chokhmah). As the Fool's journey begins, consciousness manifests itself as pure energy, without any rational or ethical restrictions.

Hebrew Letter:
Aleph means Ox. The ox is used to till the fields, preparing them for the introduction of seeds, which will eventually grow.

Uranus, the planet of eccentricity, originality, and anarchy.
I would dearly love these but I believe they are now out of stock and unlikely to be produced again.

Finally, he has created the Legacy of the Divine Tarot. These are firmly on my wish list. They look even more intense than the other decks...if that is possible! His use of people in the cards works well, as they play a very prominent role..you certainly can't ignore them. The jewel like colours may not appeal to everyone and indeed, occasionally it is refreshing to use a calmer less rich deck.

I love to see a progression of an artists work, and in the Tarot it is especially exciting.

Nathalie Hertz is another artist who has produced three decks. The intense and darker Vampire Tarot Deck (for full review on these click here) And the colourful and rich Faerie Tarot (here for review)
And my personal favourite and a deck I use alot the Fantastical Tarot . In these decks, like the Ciro Marchetti there is a distinctive style and many recurring themes. But the artist develops each deck that it forms it's own identity and makes them very individual.

Maybe I should start collecting deck sets by the same artist...umm just an excuse to get more tarot cards!!

22 Jan 2009

The Fool

I heard this song by Suzanne Vega and was reminded of The Fool which I then pulled as my daily card. Of course, it's entirely possible that I am so focused on tarot at the moment that everything seems relevant!
You come from far away
With pictures in your eyes
Of coffee shops and morning streets
In the blue and silent sunrise
But night is the cathedral
Where we recognized the sign
We strangers know each other now
As part of the whole design

You are the jester of this courtyard
With a smile like a girl's
Distracted by the women
With the dimples and the curls
By the pretty and the mischievous
By the timid and the blessed
By the blowing skirts of ladies
Who promise to gather you to their breast

You have hands of raining water
And that earring in your ear
The wisdom on your face
Denies the number of your years
With the fingers of the potter
And the laughing tale of the fool
The arranger of disorder
With your strange and simple rules
Yes now I've met me another spinner
Of strange and gauzy threads
With a long and slender body
And a bump upon the head

With a long and slender body
And the sweetest softest hands
And we'll blow away forever soon
And go on to different lands
And please do not ever look for me
But with me you will stay
And you will hear yourself in song
Blowing by one day

21 Jan 2009


The Sanskrit meaning of mandala is circle. The circle is a symbol of perfection, eternity, unity and completeness. Given these meanings, it's no wonder mandalas are such important symbols in all cultures.
Mandalas are incredibly versatile and can personify any number of meanings for the viewer. The meaning each mandala holds is limited only by the creator and the observer.

Along with the meaning of mandala, comes the use of it. There are many uses, the following paragraphs will outline the basic process.

The design of the mandala is to be visually appealing so as to absorb the mind in such a way that chattering thoughts cease, and a more philosophic or spiritual essence envelopes the observer which in turn leads to higher consciousness or awareness. In short, a mandala can be seen as a hypnotic, letting the creative hemisphere of our mind run a little more free while our analytical mind takes a little nap.
That said, we use the mandala as a form of meditation for the purpose of gaining knowledge, primarily the kind that resides within each of us.
Before meditating, we must first set an intention. Normally, we select a mandala that appeals to us. It is good to know what the meaning of mandala you've chosen - or set your own meanings/intention before focusing on it.

For example, focusing on the Native American labyrinth mandala, we know this meaning of mandala relates to beginnings, our eternal nature, and how this is relative to our life journey. So, before meditating on the mandala we set the intention to more clearly understand our life journey, or be shown guidance in a particular area we are having trouble on the path.

Once we have set our intention, we begin to focus on the mandala. Let your eyes take in the beauty of the designs, allowing your mind to wander as it will. If your mind begins to chatter (i.e., I should do laundry, have to get milk, need to finish that report for work), simply bring your attention back to the beauty of the mandala. Get inside the mandala, simply fall into it, swim in it, let it absorb all of your attention. As you fall into the mandala, you will begin to feel lighter, and intuitive thoughts may arise. Relax and float with the thoughts and feeling that come to you. If you begin to feel lost, uncomfortable or if you get the "chatter" again, simply focus your attention back on the mandala.
Each observer has different experiences. However, the overall consensus is that meditating with the mandala leaves the observer relaxed, and he/she comes away with a resolution or clarity concerning the intention that was set before the meditation.

By colouring mandalas, we allow ourselves to play. By playing, we open up a broad range of creative and intuitive processes that we don't normally experience in our day-to-day lives. It is play that will always open up our spirit, and facilitate a connection to our higher understanding and purpose.
By colouring or painting these powerful symbols, we also become a part of the circle, which involves us in the cyclical nature of our bodies, our lives, our thoughts, our emotions, just about everything. The act of mandala coloring draws us into the very circle of life.
Further, this artistic activity is like speaking a language. Our bodies and our minds connect and engage in a process that allows for our entire nervous system to explore new realms of identity. Performing this necessary and artistic function with a mandala further encourages our souls to sing as our spiritual and physical nature come chime in with harmony.

That technical stuff out of the way, my main point is to HAVE FUN!

Here are some I found to print & colour:
Mandala 1
Mandala 2
Mandala 3

20 Jan 2009


Sea Calm

How still,
How strangely still
The water is today,
It is not good
For water
To be so still that way.

19 Jan 2009

The Sun

After writing a post about snow, I pulled The Sun for my daily tarot card!
What a great card it is...never fails to bring a flutter of excitement and hope to my day, has to be one of my favourites.

What is your favourite card?


It's snowing today...sadly not the beautiful powdery, dry snow of the Alps but the wet, slush of Edinburgh!

However it has inspired me to look into any tarot cards that may depict snow.
5 of Pentacles often has snow. The imagery of snow deals with being "out in the cold," isolation, and exposure to harsh conditions. However, anyone who has stepped outside just after a fresh snow can tell you the beauty is stunning. Clean, crystalline, and quiet. These are also symbolic qualities of snow.
When the flakes fall in your eyes it is a matter of perspective - we can either see the snow as isolation or we can see it as a fresh clean blanket - waiting for us to make a few snow angels in it.

I found this stunning looking deck Fantastical Creatures Tarot and the Death card has this snowy scene with Fenris-Wolf.

The The Fairytale Tarot has The Chariot with the Snow Queen, which is very wintery and highlights the cold, arrogant aspect of this card in readings.

The Viking Tarot depict the pips in a seasonal order and here is the Queen of Chalices.

Tarot for All Seasons: Celebrating the Days and Nights of Power Combining Tarot and the seasonal lunar and solar festivals of the year, with seasonal tarot spreads and each holiday has its own section explaining its traditions and associations, and listing appropriate ritual types for the season; associated tarot cards, scents, magical 'brews' and candle colours.

16 Jan 2009


Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you.

14 Jan 2009

Unicorn Oracle

I bought the Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards for my daughter's Christmas...she is obsessed by unicorns!

Whilst I admire and respect Doreen Virtue enormously, the cards are a disappointment to my mind. They are so many differing styles and I feel differing purpose as well. They are not sure if they are for adults or children. The captions and titles vary in advice, from profound to eat more fruit! Personally this seems a little trite for an Oracle deck.

However, I appreciate that there are no hard and fast rules! And my daughter is extremely happy with them!
If you are a fan of Oracle cards here are some of my recommendations:

13 Jan 2009

Walk the Labyrinth

I have been researching Labyrinths today. Fascinating subject ...without wanting to preach to the already converted I thought I'd share a small post here.

The Labyrinth is an ancient archetypal pattern found in many cultures around the world dating back more than 4000 years. One of the most famous is Chartres Cathedral in France.
Unlike a maze that challenges the mind with blind alleys, dead ends and choices to be made labyrinths have only one clear, winding path leading you from the outer edge into the centre and back out again. Walking the path offers a unique space to slow down, still the mind and explore the inner landscape of the soul.

When you enter the Labyrinth you can trust yourself to the simple path ahead and begin to slow down. As you walk to the centre let it be a time to release the thoughts and feelings preoccupying you. Allow your mind to quieten.
When you reach the centre be still. It is a place of openness and receiving.
As you return along the same path reflect on any insights and connections that may have come to you and begin to integrate new insights and possibilities into your life.

For some the experience of walking the path may offer a renewed sense of well-being and inner peace. Others may use it to focus on a particular question or issue. For others it will be primarily a path of meditation or prayer. There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. Use it in whatever way is helpful for you.

Edinburgh is lucky enough to have two: a permanent outdoor one in George St gardens and the other, a indoor canvas one at the Chaplaincy in the University...I am hoping to walk both by the end of the month.

In the meantime, I am going to spend the rest of the day making a finger Labyrinth. Not sure what medium to use, perhaps I should get some clay or maybe quilt some silks to make a nice foldable one.

Click on the pattern for big size & print...try it for yourself!

12 Jan 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

The Pearls of Wisdom Tarot promises to be an amazing deck. I am intrigued by the seemingly chaotic colours and artwork. Whilst I do love many digital art decks, I am excited by the artwork and by the looks of them there will a huge depth in any reading. All the reviews are saying that the back story of the artist adds a wonderful understanding and meaning to the cards.

"Here was an artist who had been through heart-wrenching personal tragedy and illness, yet managed to paint the most optimistic, cheerful deck I had ever seen. And not "just" a Tarot deck, but a series of paintings - art therapy - that catalogued a seven-year journey of spiritual and emotional healing." - Janet Boyer

11 Jan 2009

Book of Hours & Almanac

I have been reading about these and have studied Book of Hours for many years, the sumptuous Illuminated Manuscripts are amazing and beautiful. So, in my search for unusual and stunning Tarot (& Tarot related items) I have found some bits I wanted to share.

Here are the Illuminated Tarot, based on the Rider Waite deck but intensely coloured to give a rich and much more interesting card. I am not a fan of the Rider Waite decks, however I'd be willing to give this a try! The swirling colours in the back ground suggest more depth and complex readings would be gained.

Llewellyn's Magical Almanac covering the moon phases and magical events, festivals and important dates throughout the year. There are articles and stories which provide a nice extra addition to an already well planned almanac. Llewellyn offer more; Witches' Spell-A-Day Almanac, Herbal Almanac, and an Astrological version.

The Modern Medieval Tarot and rich in colour and vibrancy. Although this is a digital photographic collage deck, I think that it has been done well. The landscape is full and contains many hidden things. The faces are modern, as if looking back to medieval times, through a tunnel.

A Book of Hours is the most common type of surviving medieval illuminated manuscript. Each book of hours is unique in one way or another, but all contain a collection of texts, prayers and psalms, along with appropriate illustrations, to form a reference for worship and devotion.

The typical medieval manuscript called a book of hours is an abbreviated breviary, the book containing the liturgy recited in cloistered monasteries. The books of hours were composed for the lay people who wished to incorporate elements of monasticism into their devotional life.

An Almanac is an annual publication containing information in a particular field or fields often arranged according to the calendar. Astronomical data and various statistics are also found in almanacs, such as the times of the rising and setting of the sun and moon, eclipses, hours of full tide, stated festivals of churches, terms of courts, lists of all types, time lines, and more.

These have certainly made me want to keep a yearly diary of my tarot and rune casting. I encourage my students to keep tarot journals, but it is something that I haven't done for a few years. I think it will be interesting to see the patterns that emerge and also, how key moments throughout the year impact upon the tarot.

So, on my Google Calendar I will put my daily Tarot or Oracle cards that I pull. I will be interested to see how they compare with yours!

The calendar can be found at the bottom of the blog pages!

8 Jan 2009

Tarot & Crystals

There are several crystals which correspond to the Major Arcana. These combo's have been based on Mary K. Greer's excellent Tarot for Your Self: A Workbook for Personal Transformation. I have some of the uses for the crystals...I thought it might be interesting to pull a tarot card daily and use the corresponding crystal.

The Fool ~ Turquoise
Metaphysical Properties: Communication, protection, grounding. Spirituality, connection between physical and spiritual planes.
Chakras:Attunes all chakras. Blue-Green turquoise is good for use at the 2nd Chakra. Blue Turquoise is good for the 5th Chakra

The Magician ~ Citrine

Metaphysical Properties: Citrine is one of the only stones which dissipates negative energy, Warm energy, promotes optimism. Also attracts abundance, and is known as a merchants' stone, to be placed in cash register or where one conducts business, to not only acquire positive wealth but to maintain it as well.

Activates third chakra. Enhances body's healing energy. Good for mental focus, endurance, and self-esteem.

The High Priestess ~ Moonstone

Metaphysical Properties: Balancing, intuition,discernment. Feminine, lunar energy. Good for female reproductive system. Also has been used for protection during travel, and to bring good fortune.

Chakras: cleanses negativity from the Chakras.

The Empress ~ Emerald

Metaphysical Properties:Loyalty, sensitivity, stone of successful love and domestic bliss. Enhances memory and mental capacity. Eliminates negativity, and allows one to focus. Brings harmony to all aspects of life. Can help to maintain rhythmic breathing during meditative state.

The Emperor ~ Ruby
Metaphysical Properties: Love, purity, spiritual wisdom, knowledge, wealth. Amplifies energy. Protective.

Chakra: Heart

The Hierophant ~ Topaz

Metaphysical Properties: crystal of love and success. Promotes individuality, expression, and creativity. Stores energy, thoughts, love.

Chakras: Activates first three chakras.

The Lovers ~ Agate
Metaphysical Properties: Balance, precision, perception, eliminates negativity.

The Chariot ~ Amber

Metaphysical Properties: Helps remove energy blockages, strengthens physical body. Excellent for enhancing altered states of consciousness.

Chakras: Crown Chakra: spirituality, altered states of consciousness. Solar Plexus: strengthens the intellect and physical body's energy field.

Strength ~ Topaz
Metaphysical Properties: crystal of love and success. Promotes individuality, expression, and creativity. Stores energy, thoughts, love.
Chakras: Activates first three chakras.

The Hermit ~ Peridot, Bloodstone
Metaphysical Properties: Understanding, recognition, openness, acceptance. Provides a shield of protection. Good healer. Inspires happiness.

Chakras: Heart and Solar Plexus

The Wheel of Fortune ~ Sapphire

Metaphysical Properties: Joy, peace, beauty, intuition. Known as a stone of prosperity.Supports the fulfilment of dreams and desires of the consciousness.

Chakra: Blue Sapphire stimulates the throat Chakra and assists in communication.

Justice ~ Jade

Metaphysical Properties: Balances male/female energies. Stone of protection, provides barrier against attacks and illness. Encourages meditative travel. Helps in making the dream process productive and healing.

Chakra: Heart

The Hanged Man ~ Aquamarine

Metaphysical Properties: Courage, protection. Stimulates intellect and spiritual awareness.

Chakra: Throat Chakra

Death ~ Bloodstone

Metaphysical Attributes:eases energy flow, removes blockages, and helps circulation. It also aids in healing wounds. Bloodstone creates abundance and good fortune, and assists creativity. Bloodstone is believed to be a stone of courage and confidence.

Chakra: Balances all

Temperance ~Amethyst
Metaphysical Attributes: Physical representative of the Violet Ray. Cuts through illusion. Enhances psychic abilities. Excellent for meditation. Aids channeling abilities. Sedative, protective. Enhances feeling of contentment, and a connection to one's spirituality. Stone of peace and strength.

Chakra: Crown

The Devil ~ Obsidian

Metaphysical Properties: Excellent for grounding and protection. Wards off negativity. Useful for introspection - helps one to see where changes need to be made within oneself.

Chakra: Root
The Tower ~ Garnet
Metaphysical Properties: Stone of health, commitment, devotion, and passion. Stimulates Kundalini, assists in flow of energy.

Chakras:Base and Crown

The Star ~ Herkimer

Metaphysical Properties: Harmony, awareness, spontaneity. Crystal of attunement. Stimulates clairvoyance and telepathic communication. Can store information/emotions. Alleviates tension.

Chakra: All

The Moon ~ Milk Opal

Metaphysical Properties: represents purity and intensity. It assists in emotional and mental balance, calms the inner soul. Facilitates actualization. Excellent stone for progress, expansion, and development. Helps one connect the conscious and subconscious, providing for a clearing understanding of oneself. Clears and brightens the aura, stimulates healing. It has been used to access spiritual guides and animal guides.

The Sun ~ Heliotrope
Metaphysical Properties:improves communication. Sympathy and compassionate understanding. Purifies and protects.

Chakras: Third and Seventh

Judgment ~ Malachite
Metaphysical Properties: Stone of balance and transformation. Brings to understanding processes in one's life and body, assisting in one's spiritual evolution. Stimulates intuitive power, making one more open to change and advancement. Allows for insight into emotional factors that may be manifesting as physical illness. It helps one to recognize and clear past negative experiences.
Chakra: All

The World ~ Lapis Lazuli
Metaphysical Properties: stone for acquiring wisdom, esoteric knowledge. Connection between the physical and celestial. Awareness, attunement, intuition and psychic ability. Stone of protection.

Chakras: Throat and Third Eye

Are there any crystals that you would associate with the Tarot? Do you use crystals to cleanse your tarot cards?