22 Oct 2008

Oracle Enlightenment

I have the Universal Wisdom Oracle which I use as my daily card to meditate on. Today I pulled this one:

Dreaming Heart

Do not lose sight of your purpose,
know that your efforts are being
But do not dwell on this, for your
greatest reward is the love you are
helping to create in the world.
'Congratulations! You have an open heart, and this is having a positive impact on those around you. You are a healer by nature, for you hold great love in your heart and your loving energy is felt by many on the Earth plane.
Your angels and guides want you to know that you love is invaluable to the Earth and to those around you at this time. They understand that you sometimes feel that your work goes unnoticed, at times you may even doubt whether it is having any effect at all. Even though you may not always be able to see the positive effects your love and encouragement have on others, be it through loving gesture, thought or word, you plant the seed of love in that person. They may choose to let the seed lay dormant for awhile or to let it sprout ~ the timing is upto them. Rest assured however, that everything you do has and effect, whether visible or not.
Love generates more love. Trust dearest one, trust in the love we have for you and in the love you have for others. You will receive some positive feedback in the next few days from someone you unknowingly helped recently. Take this as further confirmation of what we have said and remember it next time you start to doubt yourself.'
Lots to think about there. I don't view myself as a 'healer' directly but then the sort of counselling and guidance that is offered through the tarot and psychic insight are a form of healing. The points about love and trust are very enlightening, I'm not a gushy sort of person, in fact, I can be quite formidable (allegedly!) but I am a believer in tough love. We will see.....
Makes me happy to have lots to contemplate, we are all complex beings and it is very fulfilling to explore our many facets.

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