Well in short - Yes!
We are all psychic, to a greater or lesser extent. Some are the Michael Schumacher’s of the psychic world, natural talent and great drive to use their ‘gifts‘. The rest of us are capable of being psychic through study and development. And tapping into to our deep intuition.
Being psychic or deeply intuitive is simply a case of using another sense which we all possess. Often psychic skills have different ways of expressing themselves.
Just as some of us are more open to auditory expression than others, they maybe use phrases like ‘I hear what you are saying‘ Another may be more empathic and feel what another is feeling or experiencing.
I am for example; a very visual person and that is reflected in my strongest psychic ability which is Clairvoyance. I can ‘see’ auras and can see many different energy fields. Some of what I see is commonly termed as ghosts, although I tend to feel that visualising ghosts is an effective way that the minds gives meaning and form to the energy shifts I am witnessing.
I am also, psychically tuned in to what people are thinking, which is often their true, but sometimes unexpressed thoughts. Clair cognizance – the ability to know clearly without any obvious means.
For me this is a particularly useful ability in my work with the Tarot.
Importantly not all psychics have all the skills. In psychic terms I am deaf as a post! Clair audience is not an area that has developed for me. Not even a peep! If you’ll excuse the pun.
Of recent, through developmental work, I am finding that my skills in Past Life Viewing – the ability to accurately view a person’s past life, have grown and are starting to be useful in the work that I am doing.
Importantly not all psychics have all the skills. In psychic terms I am deaf as a post! Clair audience is not an area that has developed for me. Not even a peep! If you’ll excuse the pun.
Of recent, through developmental work, I am finding that my skills in Past Life Viewing – the ability to accurately view a person’s past life, have grown and are starting to be useful in the work that I am doing.
The point is just as most of us taste, smell, hear, touch and see so these senses are taken to a greater depth.
It can be hard to ‘believe’ what we are experiencing on our initial trips into psychic experience. We are conditioned to ‘believe’ that only what can be defined is reality. Be that through language, science, social and religious training.
But many of these are only in their infancy…think what scientific advances have been made in the last 100 years..imagine what a 1000 years will bring!
We have been on this earth for a very long time, and have the habit of dismissing old idea’s and beliefs. But our old instinctive knowledge and understanding still comes through. Much of the psychic awareness is based in survival skills we learned long ago passed down through genetic memory.
How limited our religious teachings can be - not because they are wrong or any less important but because these systems are not in the business of self exploration! They are here to give us stability and give society structure.
And the limitations of language can be a mine field when trying to explain the (currently) unexplainable! Try to describe what being in love feels like…countless artists, writer’s, poet’s, and philosopher’s over the centauries have tried to communicate the state of love, but once in solid form it often loses it’s potency. Just as trying to describe an aura or the sensation of a spinning chakra.
The surety that we just ‘know’ or ’feel’ can be incredibly strong. That gut reaction is hard to pin down but it’s there , as clear as day! And that is the basis for many of the psychic experiences we have.
Much of understanding and progressing as a psychic is trust.
Trust in your self and trust in the universe that there is more than what you can simply see.
Trust also that you are not going mad! I joke not, when my psychic abilities came to the fore I truly questioned my sanity and sought guidance through the church and others. Thankfully, I realised that I was not going nuts, and began to take tentative steps towards a fuller and deeper world.
You may find that you are already well on the way to developing your psychic skills and you are seeking guidance and support in this. It can also be a deeply personal and spiritual journey developed through mediation and other techniques.
Psychic development can be a very practical and wonderfully rewarding thing to share. Being able to advice, comfort and enlighten people is incredible!
We are all psychic it is merely a case of taking steps into a wider world!

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