Ciro Marchetti, the artist, has produced two more decks.

The Tarot of Dreams is a self published deck, with an interactive CD to accompany the deck. It has animations of the cards...adding further depth to their meanings.
For example, the card of the Fool shows the following animation: a kitten's paw batting at a flying butterfly, movement of the white dove, and a shimmering, glimmering crystal ball. The text for the Fool is as follows:
In brief:
Being Foolish, playing the fool, making fun of something. The beginning part of an endeavor or journey. An unorthodox or nonconformist approach. Being a catalyst for change.
Path on the Tree of Life:
Sphere 1 Consciousness (Keter) connect to Sphere 2 Energy (Chokhmah). As the Fool's journey begins, consciousness manifests itself as pure energy, without any rational or ethical restrictions.
Hebrew Letter:
Aleph means Ox. The ox is used to till the fields, preparing them for the introduction of seeds, which will eventually grow.
Uranus, the planet of eccentricity, originality, and anarchy.
I would dearly love these but I believe they are now out of stock and unlikely to be produced again.

Finally, he has created the Legacy of the Divine Tarot. These are firmly on my wish list. They look even more intense than the other decks...if that is possible! His use of people in the cards works well, as they play a very prominent role..you certainly can't ignore them. The jewel like colours may not appeal to everyone and indeed, occasionally it is refreshing to use a calmer less rich deck.
I love to see a progression of an artists work, and in the Tarot it is especially exciting.
Nathalie Hertz is another artist who has produced three decks. The intense and darker Vampire Tarot Deck
And my personal favourite and a deck I use alot the Fantastical Tarot
Maybe I should start collecting deck sets by the same artist...umm just an excuse to get more tarot cards!!
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