There are several crystals which correspond to the Major Arcana. These combo's have been based on Mary K. Greer's excellent Tarot for Your Self: A Workbook for Personal Transformation
The Fool ~ Turquoise
Metaphysical Properties: Communication, protection, grounding. Spirituality, connection between physical and spiritual planes.
Chakras:Attunes all chakras. Blue-Green turquoise is good for use at the 2nd Chakra. Blue Turquoise is good for the 5th Chakra
The Magician ~ Citrine
Metaphysical Properties: Citrine is one of the only stones which dissipates negative energy, Warm energy, promotes optimism. Also attracts abundance, and is known as a merchants' stone, to be placed in cash register or where one conducts business, to not only acquire positive wealth but to maintain it as well.
Activates third chakra. Enhances body's healing energy. Good for mental focus, endurance, and self-esteem.
The High Priestess ~ Moonstone
Metaphysical Properties: Balancing, intuition,discernment. Feminine, lunar energy. Good for female reproductive system. Also has been used for protection during travel, and to bring good fortune.
Chakras: cleanses negativity from the Chakras.
The Empress ~ Emerald
Metaphysical Properties:Loyalty, sensitivity, stone of successful love and domestic bliss. Enhances memory and mental capacity. Eliminates negativity, and allows one to focus. Brings harmony to all aspects of life. Can help to maintain rhythmic breathing during meditative state.
The Emperor ~ Ruby
Metaphysical Properties: Love, purity, spiritual wisdom, knowledge, wealth. Amplifies energy. Protective.
Chakra: Heart
The Hierophant ~ Topaz
Metaphysical Properties: crystal of love and success. Promotes individuality, expression, and creativity. Stores energy, thoughts, love.
Chakras: Activates first three chakras.
The Lovers ~ Agate
Metaphysical Properties: Balance, precision, perception, eliminates negativity.
The Chariot ~ Amber
Metaphysical Properties: Helps remove energy blockages, strengthens physical body. Excellent for enhancing altered states of consciousness.
Chakras: Crown Chakra: spirituality, altered states of consciousness. Solar Plexus: strengthens the intellect and physical body's energy field.
Strength ~ Topaz
Metaphysical Properties: crystal of love and success. Promotes individuality, expression, and creativity. Stores energy, thoughts, love.
Chakras: Activates first three chakras.
The Hermit ~ Peridot, Bloodstone
Metaphysical Properties: Understanding, recognition, openness, acceptance. Provides a shield of protection. Good healer. Inspires happiness.
Chakras: Heart and Solar Plexus
The Wheel of Fortune ~ Sapphire
Metaphysical Properties: Joy, peace, beauty, intuition. Known as a stone of prosperity.Supports the fulfilment of dreams and desires of the consciousness.
Chakra: Blue Sapphire stimulates the throat Chakra and assists in communication.
Justice ~ Jade
Metaphysical Properties: Balances male/female energies. Stone of protection, provides barrier against attacks and illness. Encourages meditative travel. Helps in making the dream process productive and healing.
Chakra: Heart
The Hanged Man ~ Aquamarine
Metaphysical Properties: Courage, protection. Stimulates intellect and spiritual awareness.
Chakra: Throat Chakra
Death ~ Bloodstone
Metaphysical Attributes:eases energy flow, removes blockages, and helps circulation. It also aids in healing wounds. Bloodstone creates abundance and good fortune, and assists creativity. Bloodstone is believed to be a stone of courage and confidence.
Chakra: Balances all
Temperance ~Amethyst
Metaphysical Attributes: Physical representative of the Violet Ray. Cuts through illusion. Enhances psychic abilities. Excellent for meditation. Aids channeling abilities. Sedative, protective. Enhances feeling of contentment, and a connection to one's spirituality. Stone of peace and strength.
Chakra: Crown
The Devil ~ Obsidian
Metaphysical Properties: Excellent for grounding and protection. Wards off negativity. Useful for introspection - helps one to see where changes need to be made within oneself.
Chakra: Root
The Tower ~ Garnet
Metaphysical Properties: Stone of health, commitment, devotion, and passion. Stimulates Kundalini, assists in flow of energy.
Chakras:Base and Crown
The Star ~ Herkimer
Metaphysical Properties: Harmony, awareness, spontaneity. Crystal of attunement. Stimulates clairvoyance and telepathic communication. Can store information/emotions. Alleviates tension.
Chakra: All
The Moon ~ Milk Opal
Metaphysical Properties: represents purity and intensity. It assists in emotional and mental balance, calms the inner soul. Facilitates actualization. Excellent stone for progress, expansion, and development. Helps one connect the conscious and subconscious, providing for a clearing understanding of oneself. Clears and brightens the aura, stimulates healing. It has been used to access spiritual guides and animal guides.
The Sun ~ Heliotrope
Metaphysical Properties:improves communication. Sympathy and compassionate understanding. Purifies and protects.
Chakras: Third and Seventh
Judgment ~ Malachite
Metaphysical Properties: Stone of balance and transformation. Brings to understanding processes in one's life and body, assisting in one's spiritual evolution. Stimulates intuitive power, making one more open to change and advancement. Allows for insight into emotional factors that may be manifesting as physical illness. It helps one to recognize and clear past negative experiences.
Chakra: All
The World ~ Lapis Lazuli
Metaphysical Properties: stone for acquiring wisdom, esoteric knowledge. Connection between the physical and celestial. Awareness, attunement, intuition and psychic ability. Stone of protection.
Chakras: Throat and Third Eye
Are there any crystals that you would associate with the Tarot? Do you use crystals to cleanse your tarot cards?
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