My new Faerie Tarot
Although I've only done a couple of readings, I have to share how wonderful this new deck is. It is produced to the same high standard as both the Fantastical and Vampire Tarot decks although the cards are more square - making it very comfortable to handle. The images - no paintings, they are so exquisite! - are so colourful and bursting with life and meaning.
The minor arcana has been represented traditionally, but has also been attributed a season: Swords - winter, Wands - autumn, Cups - spring and Pentacles - summer. What could have been just an artistic twist is in fact an attribute of power. As each card unfolds there seems to be a depth and power awakened by the settings of the seasons. Perhaps because of the nature setting and the elemental faeries, these cards feel quite Druidic.
As with all Nathalie Hertz's decks I feel very drawn into the world she creates and each deck seems to tap into a deep knowledge within me as I do readings. With the Faerie Tarot my readings so far have been very life giving and optimistic.
A simple past/present/future reading pinpointed both past and present very accurately and accessibly and the future card while telling me I had challenges ahead brought a sparkle of magic with it and I felt quite invigorated and raring to go!
They really are a gorgeous deck and I'm looking forward to uncovering their secrets.
Susan Lloyd
Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner
Tel: 07532 004056
skype: thetahealingscotland
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