Have a wonderful one here is a delightful poem to cheer you!
Tonight is the night
When dead leaves fly
Like witches on switches
Across the sky,
When elf and sprite
Flit through the night
On a moony sheen.
Tonight is the night
When leaves make a sound
Like a gnome in his home
Under the ground,
When spooks and trolls
Creep out of holes
Mossy and green.
Tonight is the night
When pumpkins stare
Through sheaves and leaves
When ghoul and ghost
And goblin host
Dance round their queen.
It's Hallowe'en!
Harry Behn
31 Oct 2008
30 Oct 2008
Love is....a beautiful Tarot Card

28 Oct 2008
Tarot Haiku
The Fool
A Drifting feather,
no effort, fear or longing
it lands where it may
The Hanged Man
I pick only
those nasturtiums that have
bowed their heads
The Magician
A ray of sunshine
splinters in a shard of glass~
a tiny rainbow
A Drifting feather,
no effort, fear or longing
it lands where it may
The Hanged Man
I pick only
those nasturtiums that have
bowed their heads
The Magician
A ray of sunshine
splinters in a shard of glass~
a tiny rainbow
art and life
27 Oct 2008
Tarot Lino Prints
At last I have finally finished some of the prints. Apologies for the pictures...must get better scanner! These will eventually be available to buy through the website. In the meantime enjoy!
The Hermit
The Lovers
The Moon
The Hermit

The Lovers

The Moon


The Star

art and life
26 Oct 2008
25 Oct 2008
Pen Tarot ~ 44/100

Ohhh what can I say these are delicious!
The artist Penelope Cline, has created the Major Arcana and a plus one card, The Artist. Read more here about her inspiration etc. http://www.figtreepress.co.uk/ThePenTarot.htm
They arrived beautifully boxed and wrapped in lovely black felt. The cards are a nice large size, which I think is good for a major's only set. The cards are abit on the thin side but these are so special that I doubt you would subject them to hard use!
The book let that comes with them is unusual, in that she doesn't give us the cards meanings beyond a quote, some of which is on the bottom of the card.
I particularly like The Chariot:
Bring me my bowl of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!
And The Hermit:
Hermit hoar, in solemn cell,
Wearing out life's evening gray;
Smite thy bosom, sage, and tell,
What is bliss and which the way?
(S. Johnson)
The black, white and gray and then the unexpected splash of colour is stunning and really makes you 'read' these cards. I use decks that are very colourful, usually packed with detail and often very complex and difficult cards to read, so these are a refreshing change. They are almost more like oracle cards in the way they encourage meditation.
If these cards are still available (strictly only 100) I urge you to get them, a beautiful and highly personal deck to enhance any collection.
24 Oct 2008
Witches Hallowe'en Spread
Here is a fun spread in preparation for Hallowe'en.
8 positions as:
Hat: witch herself
Goblet: current emotional state of practicing witch
Cauldron: what bubbling around the witch currently in life.
Spellbook: The plan. Formula of where things are currently heading.
Wand: how to improve the current situation through direct action.
Familiar: forces that are there to help the witch.
Skull: message from guides
Broom: what needs to cleaned up
If anyone would like a reading with this spread, please click this link: Witches Hat
This spread can be read on Hallowe'en at a cost of £20 or anytime in the lead up to my favourite night of the year!! Please note this is only available through the blog not the main site ;o)
23 Oct 2008
I have just bought some clear quartz runes...and they are lovely!! The feel amazing in your hands are a pleasure to cast. I'm pretty much a novice with these but seem to be finding my way fairly well...it is fun using different divination tools.
I also own 2 small obsidian scrying mirrors that are very intense to use but utterly fascinating.
I love experimenting and combining methods, I think to be a successful reader of any system you need to make it strongly your own. The methods that are given for most tools are only a basis and an outline, there to be built upon.
I love experimenting and combining methods, I think to be a successful reader of any system you need to make it strongly your own. The methods that are given for most tools are only a basis and an outline, there to be built upon.
I saw this affirmation today & thought it was worth sharing
I am eternally blessed
I am eternally protected
I am abundant on all levels
I am one with the eternal heart of creation.
Introduction to The Tarot Course
So, it's on!
OOO am very excited! Can't wait. Hopefully, I will offer the advanced in a few weeks times...watch this space!
Moon In A Cloud
An Introduction to the Tarot
16th November at The Cairn Hotel, Edinburgh
Learn to how to interpret the cards.
Design and use spreads.
Develop your intuition and psychic abilities.
Develop your own style and choose the right decks.
Give confident readings.
For more information: http://www.mooninacloud.co.uk/
Email: courses@mooninacloud.co.uk
Telephone: 07905 946259
OOO am very excited! Can't wait. Hopefully, I will offer the advanced in a few weeks times...watch this space!
22 Oct 2008
Oracle Enlightenment
I have the Universal Wisdom Oracle
which I use as my daily card to meditate on. Today I pulled this one:
Dreaming Heart
Do not lose sight of your purpose,
know that your efforts are being
But do not dwell on this, for your
greatest reward is the love you are
helping to create in the world.
'Congratulations! You have an open heart, and this is having a positive impact on those around you. You are a healer by nature, for you hold great love in your heart and your loving energy is felt by many on the Earth plane.
Your angels and guides want you to know that you love is invaluable to the Earth and to those around you at this time. They understand that you sometimes feel that your work goes unnoticed, at times you may even doubt whether it is having any effect at all. Even though you may not always be able to see the positive effects your love and encouragement have on others, be it through loving gesture, thought or word, you plant the seed of love in that person. They may choose to let the seed lay dormant for awhile or to let it sprout ~ the timing is upto them. Rest assured however, that everything you do has and effect, whether visible or not.
Love generates more love. Trust dearest one, trust in the love we have for you and in the love you have for others. You will receive some positive feedback in the next few days from someone you unknowingly helped recently. Take this as further confirmation of what we have said and remember it next time you start to doubt yourself.'
Lots to think about there. I don't view myself as a 'healer' directly but then the sort of counselling and guidance that is offered through the tarot and psychic insight are a form of healing. The points about love and trust are very enlightening, I'm not a gushy sort of person, in fact, I can be quite formidable (allegedly!) but I am a believer in tough love. We will see.....
Makes me happy to have lots to contemplate, we are all complex beings and it is very fulfilling to explore our many facets.
21 Oct 2008
I am thinking of producing a few podcasts, some of which will ties in with my Introduction to The Tarot course.
I thought it would be nice to have a History of Tarot produced in this way. I think that some information on the Internet is better absorbed through talk than in writing. When faced with reams of text on the computer my brain starts to melt, and I am a huge reader in the real world....but I prefer small and easily digestible chunks online!
Podcasts are so popular with the rise of the i-pod and so forth. The History of Tarot seems to be the perfect candidate for the format...so time to polish my voice.....
Further info about the Introduction to The Tarot course can me obtained by emailing me:
I thought it would be nice to have a History of Tarot produced in this way. I think that some information on the Internet is better absorbed through talk than in writing. When faced with reams of text on the computer my brain starts to melt, and I am a huge reader in the real world....but I prefer small and easily digestible chunks online!
Podcasts are so popular with the rise of the i-pod and so forth. The History of Tarot seems to be the perfect candidate for the format...so time to polish my voice.....
Further info about the Introduction to The Tarot course can me obtained by emailing me:
Expensive tastes....moi!?
It seems that all the tarot I'm attracted too are either out-of-print or very rare or indeed uber-unobtainable!!!

Here are some examples:
Ancestral Tarot...the cheapest available on Amazon is £139.00...
Favole Tarot....out of print...
Ukiyoe Tarot...anything between £40 - £300..and they go like hotcakes on Ebay...and I keep missing the cheaper ones!
Tarocco Storico della Citta di Ferrara...only 3000 made & I can't find any to buy anywhere..

The list goes on!
wish list
20 Oct 2008
Fenestra Tarot
Well they arrived! But I am disappointed in the ways I didn't think I would be!!
The colours are lovely, very autumnal but the pips are so similar that you really have to look at the title of the card to double (probably treble) check which card you are reading. The swords are the strongest, showing real passion in the content but the others are very samey.
The major have a few surprises, the Moon is unusual with 2 women, and The Sun is very nice. They have a simplistic look, and frankly the faces are far too blank, and asexual.
However they would likely appeal to younger readers, who already have a reasonable working knowledge of the tarot!
So the up shot is; one Fenestra Tarot deck for sale.
The colours are lovely, very autumnal but the pips are so similar that you really have to look at the title of the card to double (probably treble) check which card you are reading. The swords are the strongest, showing real passion in the content but the others are very samey.
The major have a few surprises, the Moon is unusual with 2 women, and The Sun is very nice. They have a simplistic look, and frankly the faces are far too blank, and asexual.
However they would likely appeal to younger readers, who already have a reasonable working knowledge of the tarot!
So the up shot is; one Fenestra Tarot deck for sale.
Writer's Block...?
I discovered this spread and thought what a great idea!! I guess you could lay the cards in book format or however you felt was appropriate.
1 - The main character
2 - The Main Character’s sidekick
3 - The Main Character’s love interest
4 - The villain
5 - The main plot/theme of the story
6 - Subplot 1
7 - Subplot 2
8 -An important event from the story
9 - Another important event from the story
10 -What lesson the main character will learn
11 -Where the story begins
12 -Middle of the story
13 -Where the story ends
The question remains what deck could you use? Something rich in art and inspirational in itself...just be careful not to fall in love with a passing Knight!
This new Tarot from the creator of the Gilded Tarot & the Tarot of Dreams might provide the perfect inspiration!! It will be released in 2009..can't wait!
Legacy of the Divine Tarot from Ciro Marchetti
1 - The main character
2 - The Main Character’s sidekick
3 - The Main Character’s love interest
4 - The villain
5 - The main plot/theme of the story
6 - Subplot 1
7 - Subplot 2
8 -An important event from the story
9 - Another important event from the story
10 -What lesson the main character will learn
11 -Where the story begins
12 -Middle of the story
13 -Where the story ends
The question remains what deck could you use? Something rich in art and inspirational in itself...just be careful not to fall in love with a passing Knight!
This new Tarot from the creator of the Gilded Tarot & the Tarot of Dreams might provide the perfect inspiration!! It will be released in 2009..can't wait!
Legacy of the Divine Tarot from Ciro Marchetti
18 Oct 2008
Setting the Date
Sorry for my absence the last few days! I have been racing against myself to pull together the Introduction to Tarot course that I will be running.
I am playing with the date of the 15th or 16th of November. I need to book space in which to run the day long course & need to advertise to get people to come!! I am hoping to do a follow up course of the advanced tarot a few weeks after...Plus some lectures and extra bits...
So, this is my aim & I am going to do it come hell or high water!
Let me see what the destiny cards have to say: Courage!
Well, I think that somes it up really!If anyone wants to know more about the course please get in touch : courses@mooninacloud.co.uk
14 Oct 2008
Thank you, all those that had Full Moon Readings! I hope that the coming month brings joy and good fortune.
Lets hope that we have crisp, clear sky days for the rest of autumn.....and especially for Hallowe'en!
11 Oct 2008
With bated breath....
I am currently waiting for amazon to deliever the Fenestra Tarot
. They have been on my wish list for over 2 years, and so I finally took the plunge!
I am slightly nervous that these will be too wishy-washy for my particular taste. I love very colourful & powerful decks, usually ones that are troublesome and difficult to read, which probably says alot about me! However the below review gives me hope.
'The artwork of the Fenestra Tarot excels in beauty. These are probably among the most beautiful tarot cards I have ever seen. There are beautifully flowing lines in Art Deco (Art Nouveau) style with whirling plants, leaves, vines and water. They give movement to the pictures which would otherwise perhaps appear too static. The colours are soft and muted but never too mild or vague. The overall feeling is a bit autumnal; there are lots of yellows and soft reds, beautiful shades of rust, olive and grey.' by hermea see full review here
Here are some images, see what you think!
I am slightly nervous that these will be too wishy-washy for my particular taste. I love very colourful & powerful decks, usually ones that are troublesome and difficult to read, which probably says alot about me! However the below review gives me hope.
'The artwork of the Fenestra Tarot excels in beauty. These are probably among the most beautiful tarot cards I have ever seen. There are beautifully flowing lines in Art Deco (Art Nouveau) style with whirling plants, leaves, vines and water. They give movement to the pictures which would otherwise perhaps appear too static. The colours are soft and muted but never too mild or vague. The overall feeling is a bit autumnal; there are lots of yellows and soft reds, beautiful shades of rust, olive and grey.' by hermea see full review here
Here are some images, see what you think!
7 Oct 2008
Faerie Tarot
My new Faerie Tarot
Although I've only done a couple of readings, I have to share how wonderful this new deck is. It is produced to the same high standard as both the Fantastical and Vampire Tarot decks although the cards are more square - making it very comfortable to handle. The images - no paintings, they are so exquisite! - are so colourful and bursting with life and meaning.
The minor arcana has been represented traditionally, but has also been attributed a season: Swords - winter, Wands - autumn, Cups - spring and Pentacles - summer. What could have been just an artistic twist is in fact an attribute of power. As each card unfolds there seems to be a depth and power awakened by the settings of the seasons. Perhaps because of the nature setting and the elemental faeries, these cards feel quite Druidic.
As with all Nathalie Hertz's decks I feel very drawn into the world she creates and each deck seems to tap into a deep knowledge within me as I do readings. With the Faerie Tarot my readings so far have been very life giving and optimistic.
A simple past/present/future reading pinpointed both past and present very accurately and accessibly and the future card while telling me I had challenges ahead brought a sparkle of magic with it and I felt quite invigorated and raring to go!
They really are a gorgeous deck and I'm looking forward to uncovering their secrets.
Susan Lloyd
Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner
Tel: 07532 004056
skype: thetahealingscotland
6 Oct 2008
Oooh! Only 7 days until the Full Moon
Remember the Full Moon Reading slots get filled pretty quickly, just a few left! So book your now for an insight to the month ahead.
Full Moon Reading
Full Moon Reading

Destiny Cards
Daily Destiny Card:
"For help with difficulties or advice on which way to turn, picture a problem or ask a question, clearly then pick a card for the answer. Be open and objective to what you read and use your intuition to interpret the meaning. Destiny Cards are for guidance, information and inspiriation to make you journey through life happier, more peaceful and more productive."
I'm not sure about the above claims however, these are an excellent thought provoking tool and very useful when used in conjunction with Tarot and other readings.
As far as I can ascertain these are not available in the UK, however I'm sure it would be worth contacting the website to see if they could deliver from Australia:
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